I slipped down the slippery slope of activism almost eight years ago now, after I started getting involved in many local activist groups in Brisbane. It wasn’t until I took action at Maules Creek that stepped up to organise a local group which ran fundraisers, information nights and to recruit people to the front line camp.
Since then I have taken part in many high profile actions around the world with Greenpeace and ClimActs, climbing oil rigs, speaking to media and trying desperately to take down the fossil fuel industry. For my Honours thesis at university I lead a research project into the social physiology of direct action, and deeply reflected on my own activism and the role of direct action in not only fighting climate change, but in creating activist culture.
I only really got to sink my teeth into community organising when I started coordinating Fossil Free UQ, where we built an amazing student group, sat in the vice chancellor’s office twice and organised more than 200 people rallies at university. It was during that time I learnt about the power of community organising and my theory of change really cemented.
Right now I’m working closely with Tipping Point on the Stop Adani campaign, where we are unfolding an ambitious plan to scale up 1) stop Adani and 2) scale up the climate movement.