I was first introduced to organising through the environment collective at my university and became heavily involved in the Australian Student Environment Network from 2005 to 2011 organising around climate change and food co-ops. From 2008 I was involved in creating Six Degrees, the coal and climate collective of Friends of the Earth Brisbane, and with the best crew around pulled off some fun and impactful actions learning about campaign strategy and building alliances along the way. My next organising foray was centred on food sovereignty from building community food groups to inclusive community gardens.
In 2017 I started with Solar Citizens as the NSW Community Organiser where I work on engaging and training our supporters to become more active in our campaigns. Our vision is of an Australia powered by 100% renewable energy where everyone can generate, share and access clean, affordable and reliable power.
At the moment our campaign in NSW is focused around securing a Fair Price for Solar where the many benefits of rooftop solar are recognised in a mandated minimum feed-in tariff. We are targeting the NSW Premier, Energy Minister and marginal Coalition State MPs where there is high solar uptake. Our main tactic is centred around an online and offline petition that we will deliver to target MPs when we have a significant stack.