My community organising experience has largely come from the work I did in the union movement. My first few years were spent organising with early childhood educators, and homecare workers. This organising involved working with the workers, but also the families to which they were providing a service. To be able to provide the best service, a strong motivator for clients in both these sectors, relied on having quality and well paid staff.
Other community organising experience has been organising around the living wage campaign and increased housing for Syrian refugees throughout the lead up to the 2015 . My more recent work organising to stop fracking has exposed me to the most diverse array of groups and demonstrated how different groups can come together through shared self-interest to fight for common goals.
I am currently the Central Australian campaign coordinator for the Territory Frack Free Alliance. This is a position funded by Lock the Gate and hosted by the Arid Lands Environment Centre in Alice Springs. The Territory Frack Free Alliance is a large and diverse alliance of community groups, concerned citizens, farmers, pastoralists, and remote communities that have a shared concern about the dangerous impacts of shale gas fracking. Together these groups are working together to achieve a ban on Fracking in the Northern Territory. Members of the Territory frack Free Alliance are working incredibly hard in 2017 to ensure that the NT government decides to ban fracking and support a future that protects our land and water.