I was involved in many different environmental campaigns before I cut my teeth in the Fossil Free campaign, at Deakin University. For me it all clicked into place when Richard Di Natale joined us at an action at the Federal Parliament, before the 2016 climate talks in Paris. He explained that the change we need for a safe climate will come from people power outside the parliament, before the politics inside parliament can be shifted. From there my passion for organising people, to combat organised money was ignited.
I was so inspired and excited to learn the art of bringing new people into the movement on my campus and soon started volunteering as a state organiser for other Fossil Free campaigns in Victoria. I then worked with Market Forces as a community Organising Intern on their divestment campaign.
I am now working at Arid Lands Environment Centre in Alice Springs, as a Community Engagement Officer. I am working with the Central Australian Frack Free Alliance to protect the Northern Territory from fracking, in partnership with Lock The Gate.
I really love the story telling element of organising and seeing the community's power increase as people come together to demonstrate that the community says no to fracking and will stop this industry in the Northern Territory.