I am a medical doctor working as a Consultant Physician in Rehabilitation, at the State Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Unit, Perth.
I have had a passion for Environmental protection for many years and, having previously studied veterinary medicine, I have been mainly active in the areas of Wildlife Rehabilitation and habitat conservation.
More recently I have been more focused at theintersection of Climate and Health and work with Doctors for the Environment (DEA) – where I am the currentWA Chair and also sit on the DEA National Campaigns Committee. Through education, advocacy, and campaigning DEA aims to create the social and political change necessary to address climate change and other environmental issues that affect health.
In Western Australia I am also part of a working group for the WA Climate and Health Community of Practice (CoP). The WA CoP network enables collaboration across sectors at the intersection of Climate Change, human health, and health and social services. The overall aim is to assist in the building of Climate Change resilience across sectors, and to explore opportunity for action in the mitigation of, and adaptation to, future climate change.