I am a Melbourne based musician, composer and teacher with a background in improvisation. After a year spent in Indonesia watching the effect of unfettered ‘development’ I decided to get active on environmental issues. Initially I worked with a local climate action group, supporting larger state and national campaigns like Quit Coal and 100% Renewables, and lobbying our council to adopt sustainable policies and practices. In 2013 I found myself vigorously campaigning against the East West Link toll road alongside affected residents, councils and inner suburban community groups. Later I helped to establish Public Transport Not Traffic (PTNT), an affiliate group to Friends of the Earth that focused on mobilising communities in marginal seats in the lead-up to the state election. Our efforts were rewarded in late 2014 with a change of government and the eventual scrapping of the toll road. I’m currently the lead campaigner for PTNT working to empower individuals and community groups across Melbourne to fight for increased investment in public transport and other forms of sustainable transport.