Growing up in the Northern Rivers opened my eyes to the beautiful country that we live in and opened my mind to the reasons why we need to fight for it, for our people and our culture. Being quite young, the majority of my community organising experience has been throughout high school. In 2008 I started getting more actively involved in the community (mainly environmental advocacy and indigenous rights) and started to learn about what it takes to bring students, parents, farmers, teachers, workers and other allies together and ask for their support. This involved student-led campaigns and activities, anti-CSG information sessions and rallies, fundraising events, building partnerships, community working bee days (tree planting) and social gatherings.
I have previously worked for the Australian Youth Climate Coalition as the Indigenous Project Coordinator. I started in this role at the beginning of 2013. This was a new role and a new project for our organisation, so it meant that the majority of 2013 was about creating a clear vision, gaining community support (from funders, Indigenous communities and individuals, external supporters and the wider community), fundraising and advocating for a stronger Indigenous voice within the climate movement. I am now the National Co-director of SEED. Seed is Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate network. We are building a movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people for climate justice with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. Our vision is for a just and sustainable future with strong cultures and communities, powered by renewable energy. Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity, but we also know it is an opportunity to create a more just and sustainable world.