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Sajit Shakya

My 10 years’ experience as an organiser, I have organised in several sectors namely; Home care, Early Childhood Education & Care, Commercial Cleaning, School Cleaning, and Casino has given me the insight in the importance of community organising to mobilise Australians around shared values, influence the political process and engage communities to win campaigns. Currently, I am the lead organiser for the casino/School cleaning team at United Voice and have to be part of decision making and strategy of campaigns ran by the union. Sharing the ideas, experiences and stories will definitely advance my knowledge which I will be able to bring to my team and run successful campaigns with my team.

As an organiser, I have always worked in a team. I like to participate and tackle challenges without showing too many signs of stress or pressure. This is why diverse teams have the potential to be so effective, and it all depends on active listening. I have always been trained 80% listening and 20% talking so I respectfully consider the viewpoints and ideas of other people as well. I also like to share my opinion and ideas without trying to come up with a plan for taking credit for it. Transparency is key on a team, so I keep my team members informed.

As an organiser I like to take risks, step outside my comfort zone, and think outside of the box. Taking risks doesn’t work every time but if it doesn’t work I do ask myself what I could do better next time.

As a team lead I set team goals based on outcomes and results, rather than just on the amount of work being done. A clear plan can then be set about how they are going to achieve these objectives, as a group, as well as each individual’s contribution.